Friday, January 26, 2018
Per Phil Gandy……..The tie project at McNatt’s , vicinity MP 225, was completed yesterday. Also, seven of the washed-out ties between Mountaire and Lewis Farm Rd were put back in. These seven ties need some manual tamping; darkness kept our team from taking care of it. Anyone riding the line is encouraged to bring along shovel, suitable tamping device, and a little elbow grease to help improve the site.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Per Phil Gandy……..We are expecting to begin today on a 100-tie replacement project beginning at Malloy Road crossing, going south . This is to advise track between Glenn Road MP226.5 and Malloy Road MP 224.9 is out of service until further notice. Wet weather may hamper progress, but hopefully track will be open and in much better condition in a few days
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Per Rick Tufts………While moving the A4 and ballast cart, I derailed (yes, by accident), the A4 at the Wagon Wheel crossing. No, this isn’t the one which was just repaired, but the second dirt driveway not 75 feet south of the Wagon Wheel crossing that was repaired. Please take a very close look at the attached picture. This shows the ballast cart wheel. But what I want you to look at, is the gauge on where the meat of the wheel is as compared to the railhead. Now…look at the flange indention in the dirt to the left of the inside railhead. That indention is from the flange on the A4 that shows just where the wheels came off the tracks. As the saying goes…his wheel has run off. Yep, sure did. Once the A4 was pulled back on the tracks by Cody’s Tahoe (contractor with Mike), I walked the cart over and it too…came close to derailing there, but for some reason, it stayed on.
Although we’re not ride ready just yet, I will say this…please…please use all common sense and caution when we do get out on the line. There are areas all over that are beat up thanks to falling trees.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Just a quick note so everyone knows that the line is open for all motorcar traffic from RS (Red Springs) to just short of Clearwater Road.
Rick Tufts informs me that the best place to turn around is the dirt road before Clearwater Road. If you venture up to the washout at Clearwater , be advised there is a blue flag displayed and a fallen tree across the tracks, approach with caution.
Repair work on the washout at Clearwater will probably begin within 2 weeks, we are coordinating with the contractor right now as far as schedules, materials and manpower needed and when. We are going to try and get the work done on weekends so that we can use our own members to assist the repair work.
We will send out an update as soon as we get things in order, thanks for your patience!